SOAP error fixed
User Simone Abbati (a.k.a. abbakus) found a blocking error in the WSDL file. Strict WSDL parsed would not accept the WSDL file
because the boolean input parameters were identified with type
xsd:bool. We have changed it to xsd:boolean and all WSDL
parsers we could find accepted this version. The PHP SoapClient of course
did not care about xsd:bool or xsd:boolean. It would probably have accepted
anything xsd:duh too. The Visual Studio IDE also did not complain when
importing WSDL with invalid types. But SoapUI and Java complain about the
bool type.
If you are using our SOAP interface no action is required you might want to reload the WSDL file in your IDE. If you tried the SOAP interface and could not get it to work this was probably the reason why.
If you are using a different interface (HTTP-GET, HTTP-POST) your application was not affected by this bug.
Thanks again Abbakus for your bug report and solution!